MUL.MASH Expansion #1
We know that the first four worlds of MUL.MASH only left you wanting more, so today we are excited to launch its first expansion pack, The Sunken City. The update is free to any sentient being or simulated cognition who owns the game, now or in the future. If you are one of the unfortunate few who don’t happen to have it, don’t worry, you can get it right here:
The expansion is an entire world with all new levels. For those who haven’t been keeping their MUL.MASH spreadsheets up-to-date, that’s 25% more levels than before! The new world has all new enemies, backgrounds, music, and there are five new paddles to aid you in your quest. Also, you can now restart runs that are going badly, or resume runs when the app has been unloaded from memory.
Well, what are you 𒆍𒋫𒊒-ing for?